Best Joint Supplements

best joint supplements

Best Joint Supplements

Joint pain can be mild, moderate or severe. When your back pain is mild you may just try to limit moving around too much or twisting from side to side and not to bend down until your sure there isn't nerve damage due to an accident. When you back pain is moderate you will feel like you can't move your body or even get up out of bed. You'll discover the best holistic and natural ways to stop the cause of your back pain using natural and holistic remedies; they are by far the Best Joint Supplements.

You can use a back brace to support your spinal column so it stays still while you are healing and so you don't feel too much pain. When it is severe you might not even be able to move your head or raise your shoulders. It severely limits what you are able to do. If your back pain is caused by an back injury like a back sprain or back sprain or even whiplash from an automobile accident you will want to see a specialist and your insurance agent to make sure you are covered for all back injury costs. 


Back injuries can be serious because it can damage your spinal nerve and lose the ability to move your head if it gets severed. Severe back injuries can even cause permanent paralysis and loss of the use of your legs or arms if your nerve gets severed. Get and MRI or other diagnostics if you have been in an accident or have your back pain cause by a slip and fall type injury. Prevention is better than cure here. When you're sure it's not a spinal cord injury or if you have spinal arthritis then you can use the natural back pain relief products to relieve your pain and stop the cause of your back pain.


causes of back pain


What Causes Joint Pain and Stiffness

What causes joint pain and stiffness? There are a few common causes of neck pain that cause mild to severe neck pain. Neck injuries happen when your neck gets hyper-extended or over stretched to one side or too far forward or backward. It can also happen due to a compression type injury where something heavy falls on your head or you fall and land on your head or neck area.


Whiplash is a common type of neck and back injury due to automobile accident where your body has stopped moving forward but your head moves forward and then backward rapidly. Your head is heavy and it can cause a concussion or serious head, back, neck and spinal cord injury. Once you are sure your spinal nerve is not severed you can use any of the holistic back pain relief products listed at the bottom of this page and get safe, and effective natural neck and back pain relief.


back pain relief guide


The next most common reason most people seek back pain relief products is due to back arthritis (lumbar arthritis.) Arthritis of the Spine is a degenerative joint disease that affects the neck at the top of the lumbar spine and spinal column. The muscles, discs and spinal nerves affect your ability turn your head as well as lower and raise your head. When you have neck arthritis you may have limited range of motion, and you may not be able to move your neck around to see to the side of you without turning your whole body.


Arthritis back can be due to having Osteoarthritis in the neck (wear and tear type of arthritis) or Rheumatoid arthritis in the neck (autoimmune disease.) Back arthritis causes a burning type of pain that radiates from your neck to your shoulders and even down your spine if a nerve is pinched or you're dealing with sciatica pain. You can use the back pain relief products at the bottom of this page to not only stop your back and nerve pain quickly but to actually recover and regain full mobility.


Back pain can be caused or worsened by a sprain, strain or injury that causes swelling and sometimes you will even hear a popping sound when you twist your spine. This happens because your tendons and ligaments are moving tightly over your lumbar spine area (lower back) and the pressure caused by swelling is causing tightness in that area. Using natural back pain relief products can greatly help you recover and stop the pain right now.



types of back pain


Symptoms of Joint Injury

What are the most common Symptoms of Joint Injury? You will know when you have a back injury because you will have pain when you have to bend forward to pick something up or twist side to side. Your back may feel super tight and stiff because of a slipped disc (or fused disc) and you can get nerve fatigue as well. Here are the most common sings of back injury:

  • Stinging Back Pain (may radiate to shoulders)
  • Dizziness or Tingling in Your Spine
  • Numbness in your Neck, Back or Sciatica area
  • Feeling like You Can't Move Your Back at all without Pain
  • Blurred Vision due to Pinched Spinal Nerve
  • Hearing a Cracking Noise when you move your back.

If you are experiencing any of the above back injury symptoms you will want to see you health care provider to make sure it is not pinching your spinal nerve. Then you can continue with the natural remedies for neck and back pain relief products shown below for long term healing and wellness.


what is cervical spondylosis


Cervical Spondylosis with Myelopathy

Spondylosis is a fairly common type of condition that affects hundreds of thousands of people every year. The medical term for lumbar spondylosis is back arthritis because it is affecting the lumbar (middle) area of your spinal column. Myelopathy happens when your spinal nerve gets pinched due to compression or constriction (narrowing space.) Cervical Spondylosis with Myelopathy or Cervical Spondylotic Myelopathy (CSM) is a back condition that happens when your spinal cord gets compressed due to injury or neck and spinal arthritis.


When it happens in your lower back area is it called Lumbar Spondylosis. It is most common from injury at any age and from back arthritis around the time you hit 50 years of age. Poor posture is also a major cause of shoulder, neck and back pain causing a lot of people yearly to seek out natural back pain relief. Poor ergonomics (how you sit, stand and walk) can lead to narrowing of your spinal canal and thickening in the ligaments and bony structures of your back. This leads to nerve compression and tightness due to inflammation and breakdown of your spinal column.


Having a compressed spinal column or pinched nerve can lead to severe pain, swelling and even a scary sense of numbness in that area. Using holistic back pain relief products as soon as you can, can save you from not being able to move your back at all! You can start decompressing your back and spinal column with spinal decompression therapy at home using a seated inversion chair. 


spinal arthritis symptoms


Signs of Joint Arthritis

What are the most common Signs of Joint Arthritis? Since the neck, shoulders and back are connected they are sometimes tied together in a back ache. Here are the most common symptoms of Back Arthritis:

  • Headache or Fever
  • Dizziness or Nausea
  • Numbness or Burning Pain in Back (sometimes shoulder or sciatic area too)
  • Night Sweats
  • Blurry Vision
  • Facial Pain
  • Feeling Tired or Lethargic

If you are experiencing any of the above symptoms of back arthritis or neck pain from any source, then you will want to treat it immediately so it doesn't get worse. Use the natural back pain relief products and devices at the bottom of this page and you can not only get relief now, but prevent more serious damage too!


best back stretches


Joint Pain Relief Exercises

Here are the best Joint Pain Relief exercises. Use these arthritis friendly back pain exercises to help strengthen the muscles around your neck and lumbar spine and take pressure off your back discs. They can be combined with the holistic back pain relief products below as well for expedited pain relief and healing:

  • Water exercise or aerobics (swimming or walking in a pool with lukewarm water)
  • Resistance Training – Perform joint friendly non-impact exercises to strengthen the muscles surrounding the joints , taking pressure off of them and begin true healing.
  • Posture Training – The Alexander Technique is really great for this. Proper Posture is very important in getting arthritis pain relief and this can help you relieve neck, back and shoulder pain!
  • Ergonomics – Proper Ergonomic Posture reduces stress on your back and joints.
  • Lose Your Back Pain This holistic guide to back pain relief gives you all the exercises, diet choices for arthritis relief that has been proven to work from the healthy back institute!

Do whatever you can do that doesn't add additional stress on your neck and spinal column to relieve the pressure on your neck and spine. Then add the following natural back pain relief products below to restore pain free mobility for the long term.


back pain relief


Joint Pain Relief Device

There is a safe and effective natural Joint Pain Relief Device that will help you not only relieve your neck pain and gain greater neck mobility but also improve your back arthritis and heal your lumbar spine. Back pain is a tricky thing that usually takes a few weeks to feel completely better.

  • Far Infrared Back Heating Pad (pictured above) is one of the best natural back pain relief products that quickly allows your muscles and connective tissues to relax and reduces inflammation and pain deeply
  • Inversion Table takes pressure off your neck and spinal column quickly so you get nerve pain relief and back pain relief natuarlly. I prefer this to the neck stretching brace below
  • Trigger Point Therapy relieves the pressure on the lumbar spinal nerves that are causing your pain

Using the above devices with the back pain relief products below and you will start feeling better in a fraction of the time it does going from doctor to doctor seeking relief that never comes. These natural back pain relief products actually work with your body to restore muscle balance and stop what is causing your back pain from the cause.


best back pain relief


Joint Pain Relief Products

Use the Lower Back Pain Relief Products shown above to help heal your neck, shoulders, back muscles, nerves and spinal column. Learn to exercise and stretch your back when you get a pinched nerve and help stop the pain in its tracks. When you strengthen and balance the muscles in your back you will take a lot of pressure off of your spinal column and allow your neck to sit in it's properly balanced location.


Use these natural back pain relief products to give you the best back pain relief and healing and help prevent it from coming back:

  • Heal n Soothe Arthritis are whole body enzymes that break up the scar tissue in your joints that make them inflexible. They also repair damaged torn cartilage, bone spurs and remove excess junk coral and carbonate calcium deposits. Heal-n-Soothe does just that.
  • Rub-On Relief topical pain relief cream for rapid neck, shoulder and back pain relief
  • Natural Anti Inflammatory Supplements to stop any pain and inflammation so you can get a healing response going
  • CBD Hemp Oil is the most power pain relief you can get. If your pain is real bad, then get the one professional athletes use!

Listen to your own body's signals and give it what it needs to be pain free and healthy. Use any of the above holistic back pain relief products and devices that suits your own individual needs. Be sure to check out the Healthy Back Institute's tips for complete back pain relief at: Lose the Back Pain.


back pain relief products

heal and soothe pain relief